Wednesday, April 18, 2007

On the subject of cooking for yourself...

I've found that since I've moved into an apartment on my own I've fallen into the single guy trap of not cooking much for myself. I would like to hereby blame society for this. It's not that I don't like cooking. I actually really enjoying cooking. It's just that I don't want to make six servings of the same thing at one time. It would be a waste to, since I probably won't eat it all, and I don't like wasting food. Even side dishes provide too much for a single meal if eaten alone, and I don't want to eat a side dish as my entire meal.

You know those single serving boxes of cereal, the kind you always took on camping trips or ate at school. It was the little box that you tore the front off of and then poorly shredded the wax paper wrapper inside, just so you could pour milk into it and use it as a bowl. Those seem like a great idea, not because it can be used as a bowl (the ultimate in bachelor laziness for after-meal clean-up), but because it provides the appropriate serving. Why can't they make Hamburger Helper in those size boxes. Why must beef/chicken be sold in one lb. increments. I want to be able to buy a 1/4 lb. of beef and one of those tiny boxes of Hamburger Helper. Then I would cook for myself.

I demand single-serving portions for meals that you cook. Not just something out of a can, but something with actual preparation steps that provides a feeling of accomplishment. 

Oh, and if you ever want someone to cook you a meal, just ask, I'm probably up for it. I love cooking for company, since it's the only time I really get to cook large portions and they will be eaten (beware that I may send you away with leftovers).


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