Wednesday, February 04, 2009

On the subject of 29:59...and getting old...

Today I post with great shame. A few weeks ago a friend convinced me to participate in the Harris Family Medical Center 5K. It's been almost 2 years since I last ran in a 5K (I have a post about it from a while back, where I post with pride). Since then I've gotten horrendously out of shape. My goal for this run was simply to beat 30 minutes, and to not throw up afterwards (I've always thrown up afterwards; you're welcome for me sharing that). So on some cold Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago I ran again, and walked, and kind of jogged, then walked some more, then ran, then walked, get the idea. As I reached the last turn and the finish line was in sight, with its giant digital clock overhead, I realized that despite thinking that 30 minutes was too lofty about two miles into the race (I crossed mile one at 8 minutes and mile two at 21 minutes), I still had 5 seconds left to beat that 30 minute goal. I sprinted with all that was left in me, and my official time was 29:59 (one second to spare!). I was proud at the time, but after reading my posts from two years ago, I need to get more exercise.

Also, for the record, I managed not to throw up, but just barely. I also realized why the spontaneous hurling always occurs after a race. It's the sudden stop at the end that does it. It's that funneling so they can take your number, and then the slowing down and stopping while your adrenalin and blood are still pumping furiously. It's also that guy that I ignored trying to stop everyone at the end to give them high fives. Random high five guy, I'm sorry for ignoring you, but seriously, if I stopped, you'd get a high five and probably need a new pair of shoes.  


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